School of Ministry
Experience Your Inheritance

A deeper, joyful experience with God
An intimacy with Him beyond what you have ever known
The Holy Spirit’s voice with greater clarity
Supernatural encounters that produce spiritual maturity
The basis and scope of your new innocent state
Incredible confidence with God based on your union with Him
Only $135 for the year!

It is impossible to read the stories of Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, and David without recognizing that these men walked with God that is markedly different than much of what Christianity looks like today. These great patriarchs of old experienced God in ways that seem foreign and inaccessible today.
Our School of Ministry explores your inheritance as a believer in Jesus Christ. It is an invitation to the supernatural realm that the saints of the past walked in. This is not new truth or extra-biblical revelation. It is an invitation to transition to interactive supernatural living in the kingdom of heaven on earth.
The School was created to help you enjoy a new level of “experience” with God –through the revealed mystery of Jesus Christ.
This is your pathway to experience what the Holy Spirit desires to reveal to you. That the eyes of your heart would be opened and that you would receive a spirit of wisdom and revelation – that you would know for yourself, what is God’s riches – His glorious inheritance in YOU.

Class Schedule
Sept 26th
Oct 10th & 24th
November 14th & 28th
December 5th & 19th
Jan 9th & 23rd
Feb 13th & 27th
March 12th & 26th
April 9th & 23rd
How it works
Classes are on Tuesdays @7pm. The school meets biweekly (except for a few dates). Each class is meant to engage you and bring growth to your personal walk with God. We also mentor you throughout the month and give recommended scripture reading as well as other ways to engage yourself in between classes.
Address: 27 Minneakoning Road, Flemington, NJ 08873